Alice Brookes

Brand Manager, On The Tools

On the Tools is the largest online construction-based community in the UK. Their mission to ‘connect construction’ is rooted in the belief that those in the construction industry deserve the same opportunities as those within the white-collar world.

Alice champions diversity and inclusion as Brand Manager at On The Tools. As head of the brand team, she drives impactful projects in order to enact On The Tools' mission of improving the lives of all tradespeople in the UK. Her passion project has been relaunching the On The Tools awards, celebrating the achievements of UK Tradespeople. 

Alice’s dedication to advocating for women in construction was demonstrated in the groundbreaking "Women On The Tools White Paper," followed by reports on the skills gap and mental health. She also co-wrote the "Tradespeople Against Tool Theft White Paper," deep-diving into the true extent of this devastating industry issue.

My Speaker Sessions

Thursday 12 September 2024


Panel: Tackling Tool Theft

10:45 - 11:25
  • Discussing prevention strategies, law enforcement collaboration, technology advancements, insurance options, and community involvement to combat tool theft effectively.